Business and GxP compliant solutions, services by SarjenBusiness and GxP compliant solutions, services by SarjenBusiness and GxP compliant solutions, services by Sarjen

CSV and Documentation

  • Each regulated record (is a GMP record) and should be periodically reviewed
  • Strong SOP and Work instructions repository covering all working areas
  • Templates for all documentation, processes – recommended, mandatory

  • VMP for computer systems – mandatory for all who are regulatory audited and use the same for validation across for computer systems
  • URS – always to be prepared by the user and then can be used to prepare/compare vendor URS, FS
  • OQ – should also include for Data handling, storage, backup, archiving, if possible – not mandatory

  • Validation except IQ should always be the user – for IQ vendor and user, OQ, PQ, TM – with vendor’s assistance by user and Summary report – vendor and user

  • Not document or do anything more than regulatory required
  • If user cannot change the data then no electronic audit trail

  • Data archive, Data backup and Data storage – forever and with detailed documentation
  • Business continuity – always should be with an alternative – contingency option during non-functioning of software, disaster, downtime, etc.
  • System uptime, application load – to check periodically – possibly with respective SOPs

  • To raise a Deviation – to finish the way it was started – store all relevant docs securely and in order of the records
  • Qualify all hardware and all environments – to avoid high load – have uniform software environment on all users to avoid performance issues, if possible

  • DQ – Client URS + Vendor URS + Vendor requirements
  • DS – Design specifications on the basis of which software is designed, may/not include technical details


CSV documentation and execution begins with:

  1. Validation Plan
  2. Validation Protocols
  3. Validation Reports

A comprehensive validation documentation package is generated at the end of successful validation execution.

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